Part 38: Ruining My Marriage
Update 38: Ruining My MarriageIts time for more Honeybuns Factory.
But only in our hearts.
Were going with this one. But she cant control my transcriptions. Thats the power of the SSLP.
Oh, shit, okay, another thread vote, Bold your responses and
: Call me...Sharron, Honeybuns.
Oh. That was easier.
: Okay, got it.
So, once per day Sharron will give us some free food.
It is always donuts.
: Sweet foods are the best when youre tired.
All of our animals that produce stuff are at 10 FP now, so petting is no longer necessary. I will have to remember to keep the Feed stocked, though.
Anyway, its time to go back to Misty Bloom Cave. We need to plow some tiles before Godwin will let us into the next cave.
It would suck if you forgot to clear Misty Bloom until, like, the last day of winter and couldnt plow enough before spring rolled around. Have fun waiting a year!
Its paranoia like that that keeps me going. This is in the Tricky Mush room. Time to clear it out.
Oh, by the way, sword-type weapons can destroy grass if you swing at it. Never necessary, but kinda neat.
Otherwise, its just back to the old stump grind.
At least the Hoe we have now plows in 3x3 spaces when charged. That makes this part go way faster.
Also, the rocks seem to house a new prize!
Its an Emerald. I would argue that Donnel is, in fact, rougher than the rest of them.
Back at the farm, Rosettas here trying to aggressively remind me about the game mechanics. I havent used that thing in months.
This dialogue box directly followed the first. I put nothing inside.
Donnel puts an Aquamarine in, just to make her feel better.
Since wood is no longer under the cruel monopoly of the House Grind, I can start building more monster huts! Nice for everyone.
But now lets see about getting entrance to that next cave.
: Donnel, youre a real foundation for this town, eh? Ill issue you the pass for the next cave if you plow 100 squares in Misty Bloom Cave.
Yeah, sadly the requirements for tiles plowed seem to have permanently risen. Ah well. I can knock that out in another trip.
And itll give me a chance to test out a new souvenir.
Expensive. Also metal as fuck.
Its a purple ball. Well see it in action soon.
Back to the cave!
Heres Life Absorber, which I think has claimed the STUNNING title of Worst Spell In The Game.
That did...1 damage. And healed me for 1 HP. I think elemental defense on enemies affects it, but I have no idea what element this is, and besides...well, youll see.
It did...slightly more on this guy? But the numbers are still shit compared to a standard sword swipe, and the healing is nothing Medicate doesnt have covered. Also, while Donnels doing that dumb animation, the monster will usually just walk up and smack you for all the HP you regained anyway.
Levels always cheer me up, though. Also a prize!
This is useful for one thing I can think of. Ill make it later this update.
Welp. Here I go.
Running desperately low on HP/RP, Donnel devours the donuts from his wife for a medicate
...Donuts restore literally zero RP.
They do (temporarily) drop your Vitality stat, raise your Earth and Fire attacks, and provide a pretty good increase to Intelligence! (By the way, theres no way to tell this aside from comparing stats before and after, I used the internet because Im forgetful and a cheater.)
Intelligence...only matters with spells.
Dammit sharron. Food in general is pretty shit in this game, though, so I cant blame her entirely.
Ah well, Ill just sleeping bag for some RP.
And, with 100 squares tilled, thats all for Misty Bloom.
Sharron, unfazed by Donnels cave sleeping, has more useless donuts for us.
I hope you like these quotes, because its about all shell say from now on. Rune Factory has that issue of, when you marry someone, they become a mindless food dispenser. Were gonna scoot past that uncomfortable subtext and move on to CRAFTING!
Glad I can make these myself now. And for one less herb than it takes Edward.
This is what the Wolf Claws are for. Its in the Decorations menu, and an interesting little accessory
This thing has no defense, tanks the hell out of your stats, but provides an ENORMOUS crit rate. Ive heard combining this with the high crit-rate sword is good, but Ive never tried it. I put it away for now, but maybe Ill experiment with it later.
Now back to Godwins for my pass.
: As I expected, Donnel, you have the gift of an Earthmate.
You may not remember because it was back in the first update and never brought up again, but Mist mentioned Earthmates basically being farming wizards.
: Im issuing you a new pass for the Kasimir ruins. Good luck.
: Donnel, Im only telling this because of who you are It looks like the Sechs Empire is on the move.
He just got married, Godwin, give it time.
: Dont tell anyone. I dont want the townsfolk upset. Im going to keep on making investigations.
Hmm. Well, thankfully, Im sure we all know where Kasimir Ruins is.
Sharrons old haunting grounds! Perhaps literally.
So, as you enter um
Zanzibar Ham posted:
Mist actually got the hint?? Now I've seen everything!
Sadly not quite.
Instead of Mist, Sharron is supposed to appear here and stop you from entering if you have less than 10 monsters, to prove your responsibility or some shit. She also rambles about the ruins a little.
However, since weve married her, I guess she got distracted making donuts and that dialogue refused to trigger at all. Huh. Okay.
Kasimir Ruins opens with this long, snaky hallway. There are no enemies, just poison tiles to mess with you.
Finally youll reach a chamber with the first enemies of the Ruins, the Dark Slimes. Theyre slow melee guys, dispatch em easily and move on. If they do hit you, though, you could get Paralyzed or Poisoned. Got Medicate? Thats a counter.
North of that is a pretty massive room with a little pedestal in the middle. For now, it appears not to do anything.
The right side houses four crop fields and a fearsome(?) Gigantus. Its got some reach, but slow attacks and can easily be flanked and cut down.
The left is nearly identical, but with a locked door...
This ones a little different than anything weve seen so far.
So, Kasimir Ruins has a bit of a puzzle here. The answer shouldnt be too tough to figure out, but itll take time, and I want to explore the right side of this chamber again before I get into it.
The door over there is already unlocked.
It leads into a big empty room. Huh. Have to keep that in mind.
And these crop fields are pretty suspicious
Youve probably figured it out. That door will only open once weve successfully grown something in one of those patches. Ive seen guides that say you have to do every one of the eight patches, but trust me, you dont, and you dont want to.
The cave gods have finally found Donnels greatest counter. Actual farming.
Im sure Jean can help out here.
Radishes are the fastest growing Spring crop, so I went with those.
: By the way, Donnel. Have you done any work on your own farm recently? Its fine to head off exploring the caves, but you still gotta tend to your own fields.
Im sorry, I couldnt hear you over the sounds of the 10000g rocks I found lying around in my pockets.
So heres an annoying thing about Kasimir, you have to do this run back every time you enter to water your crops. And since we havent seen any water yet, youll have to do this to refill your can too, if it doesnt have a high capacity. At least it isnt dangerous.
Unless you bumble into a poison tile. Why are those even there?
The Sleeping Bag is also a great way to skip the run back. Radishes are planted, so lets just skip to the next day.
I only got two waterings in before teleporting home, because it looks like time for another festival!
The Winter Festival is sort of a counterpart to that spring festival where Godwin told us to give ladies cookies, so this one is also lame.
Lets see it!
Youre so generous, Sharron.
And that was the Winter Festival. You can get chocolate from multiple women, even if youre married, but their LP must be at 5 or higher, and Donnels second highest is 4.
Still, it doesnt mean we cant use the day to make some new friends!
ashnjack gave us this Orc Hunter reference to, uh, World Of Warcraft? No, wait, thats not it. Warhammer? Gotta be Game of Thrones. Donnels hip with the kids.
Next up is the Tricky Mush, and man, these guys actually hit pretty damn hard if you let them hit you. I realize the Miss! In there is bad evidence, but thats Donnels HP after like, 2 headbutts.
But KataraniSword wants to call the Tricky Mush SSX, in honor of NBA Jam.
Well, we have 10 monsters now, so even if Sharron were here to object, shed have no grounds! Take that, wife!
The honeymoon phase was pretty short for this one.
More watering and sleeping.
And weve got paydirt! Also a free skill up in Camping!
So, whats behind Door #1?
A pool of water.
Wow, fuck you, Rune Factory. If this was one room before this! I mean, it wasnt an issue for me, but those poor people who tried to water all 8 plots
Cant believe youre pulling this shit right after Misty Bloom
(My honeymoon phase with this game is also apparently ending)
Regardless, down the stairs is...
: (Ill need to find the key to get past here. Maybe Sharron knows something.)
So, Ill admit, at this point I was worried. Because since Sharrons intro glitched out, maybe the flag for this conversation wouldnt work and I couldnt advance?
Thankfully, that wasnt the case.
: A key to the Ruins? I read a slate that says the Golem is waiting in the ruins. But I havent figured out where the Golem is yet
Well, next time, I guess were hunting down a Golem, and hopefully making some good progress in Kasimir Ruins.
Id also like to note that you cant actually grow cabbages in Kasimir due to the climate. I may have fucked up that thread title.